“I’m back from leave, and I have 1000 emails in my Inbox!”
“Nobody works here anymore, all they do is tinker with their smartphones!”
“Stop mailing already, start talking to each other!”
“My wife banned the smartphone from the bedroom”
“In meetings, everyone stares at their screens…”
Sounds familiar? This is our life.
Today’s knowledge workers and managers waste some 20% of their time on unnecessary emails and the related non-stop interruptions. That’s one day a week. I’ve been there when I worked for Intel. My clients have all been there. You’ve been there – are there. (If you aren’t, you are either very smart or very lucky – and please write me and share how you do it!)
I can help you fix this mess in your workplace.
I know how Information Overload can be managed; how you and your employees can regain your productivity and focus; how you can get your life back.
I’ve been helping organizations achieve this goal since 1994, and was probably the first person to have identified and addressed the issue in a wide corporate context. The solutions I’ve invented and implemented have been used successfully both in small teams and in global corporations. My main focus, grounded in my years as a change agent in a major Fortune 500, is on systemic organizational solutions. As the founder and president of the Information Overload Research Group, I have visibility into the latest research, tools and solutions.
I offer four levels of assistance in this space:
- Tips and resources you can use now. This site offers you many resources that will help you address your own email load to create an immediate positive change in your life!
> Explore my collection of free resources and tips, and Sign up to receive my newsletter.
- Information Overload awareness lecture. In this lively presentation I will share with your people the latest understanding of information overload, its effects, its root causes, and the ROI in solving it . I will then describe the range of solutions applied at leading companies in this field. A selection of personal strategies and tips is included as well, and many people tell me later that this had made a real difference in the way they manage their life on and off the job. This lecture is suited for organizations that are aware of having a problem but not yet ready to embark on a top-down solution effort. It will lay the groundwork for a change by creating awareness, giving people the motivation and knowledge to try doing something at a personal, grassroots level.
- Jump Start management session. This is a focused 2-hour meeting with your management staff, held on your premises. In it, I will give you the insight you need to define and lead a successful solution process in your company, which will restore productivity and sanity to your workforce. I will get you to the point where you can make informed decisions and see them through to successful outcomes. If you’re ready to implement a top-down solution process, this is your best move. In spending time with the leading expert on organizational Information Overload, your management team does indeed get a jump start by learning what others have done, what worked and what didn’t (and why), what the critical success factors are, and what their role will be in leading to success the solution drive they define.
- Consulting during a solution program. I will be happy to assist your company in designing and deploying solution programs to mitigate IO. Details can vary, but typically a management staff might decide, following the Jump Start session, to appoint a task force that will identify and drive the next steps; I can help by joining this task force as a trusted adviser, or by coaching its leader. Your call…
Based on past experience, my knowledge can be of good use to you as you lead your group to stamp out Info Overload.
> Let’s talk and figure out how we can collaborate!