Archive for February, 2012

Overloaded 2012 proves a success – Wayda go, IORG!

Posted on February 27th, 2012 · Posted in Uncategorized

The Information Overload Research Group’s Overloaded 2012 event in San Francisco was fully successful!  Two dozen information overload crusaders from a diversity of domains – academic, industry, consulting, analyst and the public sector – came together, exchanged research results, viewpoints and opinions, and formed friendships and plans for future cooperation. We heard two interesting keynotes: Prof. David Levy of  the University of Washington spoke about “Educating for Acceleration and Overload”, and Jonathan Spira, IORG’s VP of research and CEO of Basex, shared his new research results on Information Overload. This un-conference model – an informal meeting of like minds – .. Read more

No computers allowed!

Posted on February 24th, 2012 · Posted in Organizational Solutions

I’ve reported before on the policy of leaving Blackberries outside meeting rooms… and now I’ve heard of a policy that tops that. An attendee approached me after my lecture on Email Overload solutions today and told me that in the advertising agency where she works it is forbidden to bring notebook computers into meetings. She used to find this objectionable, but having heard me explain the damage of checking email to the effectiveness of meetings, she could now understand why it was a good idea after all. Being in advertising, where their meetings were about hammering out creative ideas, they.. Read more

Books vs. the Internet

Posted on February 18th, 2012 · Posted in Analysis and Opinion

Even if you’re truly effective in  screening unnecessary information, the fact remains that you need time to deal with incoming online information, whether it’s push-mode info (primarily email) or pull-mode info (e.g. RSS feeds). The question is, where does the time come from? Someone pointed out once that you can successfully manage your RSS feeds, blog updates, Twitter, Facebook, and so on if you give up watching TV. And indeed, giving up television would give many people a significant chunk of time to devote to their online data consumption. TV being what it is, one could argue that it’s a.. Read more

We’ll talk!

Posted on February 9th, 2012 · Posted in Individual Solutions

An all too common pattern of one to one communication these days involves a lengthy ping pong of email messages going back and forth. One piece of advice I often give is “after a few times, just pick up the phone!” Well, I realized that one friend I have, a college faculty member, is being more proactive than that. This guy, a well-connected Digital Native, ends many of his one to one mails with “We’ll talk”, or “Talk to me <phone number>”, or “Set 30 minutes with <his secretary>”. What this smart fellow is doing, is to send across briefly.. Read more